Top 5 best useful websites for you.

 Top 10 best useful websites for you.

Now you will see the top 10 best useful websites every computers/ smartphones users must know.

Yes these websites are useful for various purposes. Check the list and the purposes.

1. AutoDraw


AutoDraw is a new kind of drawing tool. It pairs machine learning with drawings from talented artists to help everyone create anything visual, fast. There’s nothing to download. Nothing to pay for. And it works anywhere: smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop, etc. 

2.  Hotpot 

  i. AI Picture Restorer


Restore and repair pictures with AI. Hotpot builds on the latest research to automatically remove scratches, sharpen colors, and enhance faces, transforming damaged photos into cherished memories. Our free service repairs both color photos and black & white ones.

 ii. AI Picture Colorizer


Colorize pictures with AI, turning black and white photos to color in seconds. Reimagine the past by colorizing pictures of ancestors and historic figures. Our technology is currently based on DeOldify and proprietary enhancements.

3. removebg


Upload an image to remove the background

4. Voice Notepad


Type with your Voice in various Languages. Use the magic of speech recognition to write emails and documents in Google Chrome. Dictation accurately transcribes your speech to text in real time. You can add paragraphs, punctuation marks, and even smileys using voice commands.

5. Photopea

Link: is a free online tool for editing raster and vector graphics with support for PSD, AI, and Sketch files. 

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