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File Converter - Convert & compress everything in 2 clicks!

File Converter - Convert & compress everything in 2 clicks!

Yes if you are thinking of a software that can convert any files then you can use this software i.e. File Converter. You can convert Audio, Video, Images and documents whenever you want.

What is File  Converter?

File Converter is a very simple tool which allows you to convert and compress one or several file(s) using the context menu in windows explorer. And it's FREE!

The interface is designed to be as light as possible to keep the application pleasant to use.

It supports a lot of different file formats:

Supported output formatsCompatible input formats
Audioflac, aac, ogg, mp3, wav3gp, aiff, ape, avi, bik, cda, flac, flv, m4a, mkv, mov, mp3, mp4, oga, ogg, wav, webm, wma, wmv
Videowebm, mkv, mp4, ogv, avi, gif3gp, avi, bik, flv, gif, m4v, mkv, mp4, mpeg, mov, ogv, webm, wmv
Imagepng, jpg, ico, webpbmp, exr, ico, jpg, jpeg, png, psd, svg, tiff, tga, webp, pdf, doc*, docx*, odt*, odp*, ods*, ppt*, pptx*, xls*, xlsx*
Documentpdfdoc*, docx*, odt*, odp*, ods*, ppt*, pptx*, xls*, xlsx*, bmp, exr, ico, jpg, jpeg, png, psd, svg, tiff, tga

* You need to have Microsoft Office installed and activated in order to convert Office documents.

You can heavily customize the application in order to add / remove conversion presets in the files context menus or edit the existing one to change the conversion options.

If you want more informations about the features offered in File Converter, visit the documentation page.

I hope this application will help you :)

It is open source (GLP v3), free and without any adds so you just have to enjoy it!


File Converter is compatible with Windows Vista / 7 / 8 and 10.

Windows 64 bits installer: FileConverter-1.2.3-x64-setup.msi (~39 Mo)

Windows 32 bits installer: FileConverter-1.2.3-x86-setup.msi (~38 Mo)

Sources (C#/WPF project): FileConverter-v1.2.3.tar.gz (~40 Mo)

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